Publish a job offer and access CVs


Specifics of the service

The service allows registered companies to view the CVs of the students who graduated from the University of Bologna, including their personal details, and filter their search based on their needs.

CVs can be downloaded only after publishing a job offer.

The initial CV package made available to companies includes 100 CVs and expires after 12 months. When the initial limit has been reached, we send companies a short questionnaire asking for feedback on the effectiveness of the service. Once the questionnaire has been returned, the limit is increased.

To access the service:

  1. Register online
  2. Post at least one job offer using our job offers service 

If you have already completed the first two steps, access the service and see our graduates’ CVs.

In any case, you can view for free and in anonymous format, the CVs of students who have graduated in the last 12 months, or submitted their graduation application (Law 183/2010, the so-called "Collegato Lavoro” legislation).

View anonymous CVs