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31 OCTOBER 2023

Career Guidance

CV Check, in presence (in Italian/English)

Servizio Orientamento al Lavoro - Largo Trombetti 1, 40126 Bologna.

You don't need to book this activity. You just need to show up in Largo Trombetti 1 and bring with you a copy (paper one) of your CV. The appointments with the career counsellor will last 15 minutes.

31 OCTOBER 2023

Career Guidance

CV Check, in presence (in Italian/English)

Servizio Orientamento al Lavoro - Largo Trombetti 1, 40126 Bologna.

You don't need to book this activity. You just need to show up in Largo Trombetti 1 and bring with you a copy of your CV. The appointments with the career counsellor will last 15 minutes.

26 OCTOBER 2023

Career Guidance

Seminario “Strategie di ricerca del lavoro” (in Italian)

Online event

Percorso "Trovo il lavoro che fa per me" - Step 1

12 OCTOBER 2023

Career Guidance

Seminario "Le basi per preparare un colloquio di selezione" (in Italian)

On line (Teams) - Online event

Step 1 del percorso "Affronto il processo di selezione"

10 OCTOBER 2023

Career Guidance

How to write a CV - Seminar (in English)

Online event

03 OCTOBER 2023

Career Guidance

Seminario "LinkedIn: cos'è, come funziona, come usarlo nella ricerca di lavoro" (in Italian)

Percorso "Mi presento" - Step 1


Career Guidance

CV Check, in presence

Servizio Orientamento al Lavoro - Largo Trombetti 1, 40126 Bologna.

You don't need to book this activity. You just need to show up in Largo Trombetti 1 and bring with you a copy (paper one) of your CV. The appointments with the career counsellor will last 15 minutes.


Career Guidance

Seminario “CV e lettera di accompagnamento” (in Italian)

On line (Teams) - Online event

Percorso "Trovo il lavoro che fa per me" - Step 1


Meeting Companies

SAVE THE DATE | Recruiting @ Dicam Works


Career Guidance

Seminario “Strategie di ricerca del lavoro” (in Italian)

On line (Teams)

Percorso "Trovo il lavoro che fa per me" - Step 1

27 JUNE 2023

Seminario “Strategie di ricerca del lavoro” (in Italian)

Online event

Percorso "Trovo il lavoro che fa per me" - Step 1

22 JUNE 2023

Career Guidance

Seminario "Le basi per preparare un colloquio di selezione" (in Italian)

On line (Teams) - Online event

Step 1 del percorso "Affronto il processo di selezione"